Next time you visit the Downtown Boca Raton Public Library to pick up some summer reading materials, take a minute to look around the front lobby.
A new photography exhibit, “Through Our Eyes: Boca Raton Community High School Student Photography,” is on display through July 31 showcasing photographs taken by students in the school’s photography program.
Over 500 Boca High students are enrolled in as many as four photography and digital media courses for college credit through the College Board in the United States and Cambridge University in England.

“The students work diligently all year to prepare their AP Portfolio for College Board,” said Rob Sweeten, the school’s AP and AICE photography teacher. “We do have the largest AP 2D Art and Design program in the county.”
He teaches them the elements and principles of art; how to properly use cameras and photographic techniques; and how to create and process their images using Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. In addition to winning photo contests, the students also serve the school’s yearbook, newspaper and athletic programs.
“Visitors will be impressed with the high standard of artistic merit, creativity and expression in the diverse collection of photos from the Boca High School photography students,” Program Services Librarian Lisa Testa said in a statement. “Congratulations to photography teacher Rob Sweeten for his ability to bring out the best in his students to produce exceptional photos for our community.”

The Downtown Library, 400 NW Second Ave., in Boca Raton is open from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Mondays through Fridays and from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Fridays through Sundays.
Library patrons also can sign up for the free Summer Reading program at bocalibrary.readsquared.com, on the READSquared app available through Google Play or the Apple Store, or at the Downtown or Spanish River (1501 NW Spanish River Blvd.) library locations. Incentives such as weekly prizes, wireless earbuds, pins, a raffle to win a Nintendo Switch Lite or an Imagine Your Story Beach Bag with Bluetooth speaker and beach towel, and book lovers’ gift sets are available to babies through fifth grade, grades 6-12 and adults who log their reading hours. A library card is not required to participate.
Visit myboca.us/2020/Library.