The winter weather has made for an amazing display on the lakeshore. People have flocked to see the ice-covered lighthouse at the Grand Haven South Pier.

“When I see the lighthouse, standing up against Mother Nature, I just am in awe. What it has to do, what it has to endure, and the power that Mother Nature brings to the pier,” Connie Passejna said.
Several photographers and tourists stood on the shoreline to capture the best moment.

“I came out to see the ice on the pier and see the waves hitting the pier,” Passejna added.
Before you head out to the pier, make sure you are safe.
“So, any traffic out on that pier is not safe. Right now, it’s all covered in ice,” Grand Haven Police Department Captain Lee Adams said.
The Grand Haven Police Department has closed off the pier, and for good reason.
“If somebody slips and falls, for one, they’re gonna hit their head on the ice or something, but they can also end up in the water. And a lot of the ladders that are along that pier are iced over,” Capt. Adams added.
Even with good equipment, one person isn’t going to risk adventuring out there.
“If it was my spikes, I have to be careful and stay off of the really smooth, slippery parts,” Passejna.
Still, there’s plenty to see, even from afar away.
“This is crazy. It’s ice everywhere. It’s like an ice castle along here,” Kathryn Volz said.
“It’s very beautiful, very unique, but you can enjoy it from the shore here and be able to see everything and take pictures without walking out there and putting yourself in danger,” Adams said.
The gate has been closed off to their pier, and is currently covered with ice. If you do cross the gate you could face up to a $500 fine.
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