May 360º Contributor of the Month – May – 360Cities Blog

Eden Akavia – 360Cities Blog


Meet Brian Salter, a seasoned journalist, broadcaster, and world traveler with a knack for capturing the essence of places. Since joining 360Cities in September 2021, Brian has shared his passion for exploration through 209 panoramas.

During May, Brian published 46 great panoramas that transport us to various destinations. From the serene River Wharfe in Yorkshire to the iconic landmarks of Hyde Park Corner in London, his panoramas offer a glimpse into the beauty and diversity of these locations. From historic churches to majestic quarries, each panorama tells a story and invites us to embark on a visual journey.Join us in celebrating Brian Salter as our outstanding contributor of the month. Explore his profile on 360Cities and be inspired by his 360º images.
