The theme for the third round of the Camera Jabber Photographer of the Year (CJPOTY) competition was ‘Spring’ and once again there were some fabulous images submitted. After a lengthy judging session, we are delighted to announce that the following images will be added to our shortlist to be judged by our illustrious panel of judges at the end of the year.
One of these ten shortlisted images has also been selected as the round winner with the photographer being awarded a voucher from MPB worth £500 – scroll down to find out who.
CJPOTY March 2023 Spring shortlisted images
Rebecca Hedges

Crocus flowers are a welcome sight every spring. We loved Rebecca’s low-level shot that includes snow-topped mountains in the background. It encapsulates that feeling that spring can lapse back into winter at any moment.
Pawel Zygmunt

Who doesn’t love a puffin? Pawel’s image stands out from the crowd because of the action, with the puffin building momentum to take-off, while the sea pinks make the season clear. Pawel’s focusing is perfect while his choice of shutter speed has ensured the puffin is frozen mid-step.
Sarah Williams

The parakeets living in the south east of England don’t always get the best press, but they are undeniably attractive. The bright green of the bird contrasts nicely with the pink of the spring blossom, which also matches the beak rather well. It’s a lovely cheery image with spot-on focusing.
Marie Jones

Marie has captured one of the less-celebrated sights of spring and she’s done it superbly. The water is perfectly still and there’s a nice reflection of the rather proud-looking frog keeping an eye on the spawn.
Mai-Britt Larsen

Mai-Britt did well to spot these tiny flowers and we love how she has captured two in a soft, dreamy landscape. The flowers look delicate and vulnerable. There’s also a nice sense of the early-morning chill of spring.
Jane O’Connor

Jane’s beautiful image reminds us of a Japanese painting, we’d love to see it printed and hanging on a wall. We were drawn in by the dark branches in the foreground against the pink blossom of the trees in the distance going down the hillside.
Eric Browett

Boxing hares are a rare sight these days and our guess is that Eric had to be very patient to capture this fabulous shot. His timing is superb and both animals look very dynamic.
Anne-Marie Smith

This is another image that must have taken lots of patience. Anne-Marie’s composition is excellent with both the crocus flower and the bee coming in alongside it perfectly sharp. Judging by the size of the pollen collections on the bee’s legs, it’s been very busy.
Angi Wallace

Angi is the current Camera Jabber Photographer of the Year and this image is typical of her fantastic photography. The background is wonderfully blurred and in keeping with the subjects, which are perfectly sharp and beautifully positioned in the frame.
Ana Peiró Muñoz

Anemones make fabulous subjects and Ana has delivered a superb image here. We love how the super-sharp anthers at the centre of the flower are peeping out from between the petals. The background is also nicely blurred and tones well with the flower.
CJPOTY March 2023 winner: Jane O’Connor

Congratulations Jane, a voucher to the value of £500 from MPB is heading your way!
Jane’s image joins the other 9 images that have been selected this month and goes onto our shortlist for judging by our panel of VIP judges at the end of the year for the overall prize.
CJPOTY April: Movement

The theme for the fourth round of the 2023/24 Camera Jabber Photographer of the Year (CJPOTY) competition is ‘Movement’. It’s up to you whether that movement is frozen or blurred. You could even use a neutral density filter to enable a long exposure to blur the movement of water or clouds – or maybe intentional camera movement is your thing? So long as there’s movement of some sort in your image, it’s eligible for this round.
This round of our monthly competition is open for submissions until 23:59 BST (00:59 CET and 15:59 PST) on 30th April 2023.
To submit your entry follow the link to cjpoty or click on the CJPOTY button at the top of any of our website pages. You can submit up to three entries for £2.00 plus payment processing costs (£0.26). Images should be Jpegs at least 1920 pixels along their longest side but no larger than 2MB.

Camera Jabber Photographer of the Year prizes
At the end of the month, the Camera Jabber team will pick one winning image and nine runners up from the April entries. The photographer of the winning image will receive a voucher from MPB.com to the value of £500 which can be spent on anything from a huge range of kit from the World’s biggest platform for used photographic gear.
All 10 of the selected images will go into our shortlist for the year.
We’ll do this each month in 2023 so that by the end of the year, there will be 120 shortlisted images. These will then go before our fantastic panel of judges who will decide the 1st, 2nd and 3rd-placed images.
The photographer of the first-placed image overall, as decided by the panel of judges , will receive a voucher to the value of £1000 from MPB.com as well as a trophy and the title ‘Camera Jabber Photographer of the Year 2023‘. The photographers who come second and third will receive vouchers worth £500 and £250 respectively.

About MPB
Founded by Matt Barker in 2011, MPB is the world’s largest platform for used photography and videography kit. MPB has transformed the way people buy, sell and trade equipment, making photography more accessible, affordable and sustainable.
Headquartered in the creative communities of Brighton, Brooklyn and Berlin, the MPB team includes trained camera experts and seasoned photographers and videographers who bring their passion to work every day to deliver outstanding service. Every piece of kit is inspected carefully by product specialists and comes with a six-month warranty to give customers peace of mind that buying used doesn’t mean sacrificing reliability.