Learn about Scotland’s ‘rewilding’ with Nature Speaks


The Prospect Heights Natural Resources Commission (PH-NRC) and the Prospect Heights Public Library are co-sponsoring an entertaining and educational program by Peter Cairns, executive director of SCOTLAND: The Big Picture, via a virtual presentation from Scotland at 1 p.m. Thursday, April 20.

As a renowned visionary whose inspiring earth changing project has been highlighted by National Geographic, securing Cairns to speak is a major coup for the commission and library.

It wasn’t so long ago that vibrant, wild forests stretched across much of Scotland. Beavers and cranes were abundant in its extensive wetlands. Salmon and trout filled the rivers. Lynx, wolf and wild boar stalked wooded glades.

But today, Scotland has become one of the most ecologically depleted nations on Earth.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

A bold vision for the future is slowly emerging where native woodlands regenerate at a landscape scale; where damaged peatlands are restored; where rivers run freely and where oceans are full of life. This is the vision of a wilder Scotland — a place where nature works, where wildlife flourishes and crucially, where people thrive.

Using stunning imagery created by the SCOTLAND: The Big Picture photography team, this presentation showcases the country’s beauty and drama, but also poses an intriguing question: What should Scotland look like?

Peter Cairns has spent nearly three decades as a conservation photographer, videographer, nature tourism operator and environmental communicator. A longtime advocate for rewilding, Cairns previously directed major conservation media initiatives such as Tooth & Claw, Wild Wonders of Europe and 2020VISION. Five years ago, he founded SCOTLAND: The Big Picture, a charity that works to drive the recovery of nature across Scotland.



The Zoom program is free, but registration is required. To register, call (847) 259-3500, ext. 35, visit phpl.info or stop at the library’s information desk.

The program will be recorded and encore presentations will be shown at a later date.

Nature Speaks is a partnership between Prospect Heights Natural Resources Commission and the Prospect Heights Public Library.

Additional information about the Natural Resources Commission’s numerous native prairie restorations and other activities can be found at www.phnrc.com. One can also learn more about our area’s natural resources, native prairies, volunteer activity days, and other conservation information there as well.

